The Day in Science - Daily coverage of the latest scientific research

Electrical pulse treatment,  Meditation, Mysteriously Shrinking Proton, New Bird Flu,  Injectable Electronics, Skylab II

1. Electrical pulse treatment pokes holes in hard-to-treat tumors
A new, minimally invasive treatment that tears microscopic holes in tumors without harming healthy tissue is a promising treatment for challenging cancers, suggests a preliminary study.

2. Meditation can increase your body temperature
Feeling cold? Try meditation! Meditation can make you feel warmer, a new study conducted in Tibet suggests, which found the core body temperature can be controlled by the brain.

3. Mysteriously Shrinking Proton Continues to Puzzle Physicists
Researchers have found the proton is smaller than thought. The proton is one of the ingredients (along with neutrons and electrons) of the atoms that make up our bodies and the world around us.

4. 1st Case of New Bird Flu Reported in Beijing
A new bird flu virus that has taken 11 lives and infected 37 other individuals in eastern China has now been confirmed in Beijing where a 7-year-old girl was diagnosed on Saturday with the flu called H7N9.

5. Injectable Electronics Light Up A Brain
The researchers put together an extremely small circuit board with light-emitting diodes on it. The whole device is only about 25 microns thick.

6. Skylab II: Living beyond the Dark Side of the Moon
During the 1970s, Skylab was NASA’s first space station, built out of a fuel tank from a Saturn V rocket, one of NASA’s standard launch vehicles at the time. NASA’s advanced concepts office is now wondering if they could use the same trick again to launch the first ever outpost in deep space.

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